Al Arish - Viva Palestina

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Viva Palestina ConvoySorgen beim Konvoi, latest News:
... look up Viva Palestina's web page to read the latest news--people have been injured, four seriously, many lightly, and some arrested at Al Arish Port. So google Viva Palestina and read the latest report

da: und dann noch aktueller da

inzwischen wieder entspannter?

- man muß etwas suchen:

10 Uhr Vormittag: Recovering after riot police attack last night. All convoy remain in compound at El Arish. Still hope to reach Gaza today… Difficult night,many injured-not us. Negotiations took place & looks like we might go into #Gaza today. – @YorktoGaza
12 Uhr (letzte gefundene Meldung) Thanking everyone for all their support yesterday. Everything OK here. We are leaving for Rafah within hours for 48 hour stay inside Gaza. Till we enter we won’t know if it’s true or not. Things are settled here now so all looks good. Will text when in Gaza. – Derry to Gaza

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