We Will Lift the Siege on Palestine!

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From Cairo to Home: We Will Lift the Siege on Palestine!
Eine CodePink-Bilanz, wieder Englisch. Hat Günter geschickt, aber ich finde es sonst noch nicht inzwischen teilweise dort im Netz...

Returning home full of stories about an intense week in Cairo, in the Egyptian border towns of Al Arish and Rafah, in Gaza for those who got inside, and in the West Bank and Erez crossing for those who went to Israel, we hope that you return energized by the momentum our movement has created. It was a rough week for many - battling Egyptian police on the streets, getting rebuffed by our own embassies, joining the hunger strike, debating the Egyptian offer of allowing only 100 people into Gaza. Through it all, however, we can be proud of our many accomplishments:

We set up a new international network that can coordinate future work and, initiated by the South African delegation, we put out the Cairo Declaration that outlines a program for moving forward. You can read and sign the Declaration below.
By focusing worldwide attention on the siege, we lifted the spirits of the isolated people of Gaza. "For us, a population of 1.6 million being imprisoned and starved, the gratitude we express to you, the Gaza freedom marchers, is immense. Thank you all from the depth of our hearts!" Mohammed Omer - Gaza
We put the spotlight on the negative role Egypt is playing in maintaining the siege and we put pressure on the highest levels of the Egyptian government. "Your presence in Egypt was like an earthquake," said Suzanne, an Egyptian student. "You did more good politically by protesting in Egypt than you could have ever done in Gaza."
The delegation that went to Gaza took in tens of thousands of dollars in humanitarian aid, allowed Palestinians to see long-lost family members, recorded stories they will disseminate broadly, and put up a stunning mosaic memorial to those who died in a central location in Gaza City.
We signed on to a lawsuit against the Egyptian government for building a wall to block off the tunnels that have become the commercial lifeline for the people in Gaza.
We inspired solidarity actions all over the world and reinvigorated our own determination to keep struggling to lift the siege.
In order to keep the momentum going, we call on all GFM marchers and supporters to organize demonstrations, vigils or other forms of protest at Israeli embassies and consulates around the world on the weekend of January 16-17 to mark the end of the 22-day invasion last year. The purpose of these actions is to demonstrate global solidarity with Palestinians. Thus any action, no matter how small, will contribute significantly to this message. Also, the rolling hunger strike will continue until this date!
In order to highlight the global character of this movement, we ask that you register your actions through our Solidarity Actions page. This site will also allow you to see actions that are already planned in your region and show your local media that you are taking part in a coordinated protest worldwide.
We also encourage you to contact your media and write letters to the editor. Keep spreading the message that the siege must be lifted.
Thank you for your work and dedication.

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