kurzfristige Protestaktion auf dem Stachus
Die jüngste Eskalation durch den US-Angriff in Syrien ist die falsche Antwort auf den jüngsten Chemie-Einsatz in Syrien:
Ohne eine unabhängie Untersuchung akzeptieren wir keine einseitige Schuldzuweisung: Zu klar ist, wem der Chemieeinsatz mit den Opfern "nützt" - der syrischen Regierung sicher nicht - und die einzigen Quellen sind unseres Wissen bisher durchweg die gleichen, die auch in der Vergangenheit Glaubwürdigkeitsprobleme haben ...
Die Stellungnahme der IPPNW/Presserklärung (hier zitiert):
Noch dazu, vor dem US-Beschuss, US-Peace-Cuncil: http://uspeacecouncil.org/?p=3168
We have been down this road before. Sophisticated observers have already noted this alleged attack has all the earmarks of a false flag operation. The Syrian government has absolutely no motive for mounting such an attack. (See: Gerry Condon; Patrick Henningsen; and Phyllis Bennis)
As a leader of Veterans for Peace, Gerry Condon, has wisely observed, the sources for the gas attack reports are the rebel forces themselves, their own media, and the “White Helmets” and other Western-funded NGOs who are notorious for creating “regime change” propaganda against the Assad government. Famed investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has documented that the last large Sarin attack blamed on the Syrian government was carried out by terrorist groups with the support of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Hersh also documented that chemical weapons were transported from Libya to U.S.-backed rebel groups in Syria by the CIA and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
Yet the mainstream media do not mention any of this.